Tips for composting dry toilets!
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What litter can I use and where can I get it? The litter determines how comfortable your dry toilet is to use! Bedding is important. This is the carbonaceous matter …
Is it necessary to separate urine from faeces? It’s best to avoid this practice, as the primary benefit of using a dry toilet is to return a material essential to …
Julien Boyer interviewed by Orientation Environnement In this article from the Journal Orientation Environnement, you’ll discover the background of Lecopot’s founder, the origins of our company, the manufacture of our …
March 22, 2021 is World Water Day. Water conservation has become a key issue for all populations. Water, the elixir of life … Where there’s water, there’s life. Water is …
Tips for composting dry toilet waste.
Do waterless toilets smell bad? We’re often asked if dry toilets give off bad smells! To which we reply: “NO, dry toilets don’t smell bad! I should specify: as …
Discover the uses and possible locations for an ecological composting dry toilet for private or collective use, indoors or outdoors.
From March 25 to April 9, 2017, National Neighborhood Composting Week Everyone to compost is an annual national event promoting local composting of household waste, whether at home, in a …
Discover the latest from Lécopot, Ephysia, the ergonomic dry toilet for a physiological position. From good performance to the toilet At Lécopot, we’ve always wanted to develop products that are …
How do I maintain a dry toilet? Contrary to popular belief, dry toilets are easy to use and clean. There’s a bit of maintenance when you take out the bucket. …
The DIY dry toilet has arrived at Lécopot! The Magaïveur is a do-it-yourself dry toilet kit that requires no design work or wood cutting, just a few tools and a …