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Lécopot in Silence magazine

by Julien

Water management and dry toilets

Silence magazine devotes its July 2020 issue 490 toherbalism.

On the trail of the herbalist

offers an introduction to the profession of herbalist, as well as the obstacles and challenges involved in developing this activity.

In this issue of Silence magazine, you’ll also find articles and columns on ecological alternatives and current affairs as seen from the perspective of degrowth.

Also in the Courrier section (page 41), read the article on water management and dry toilets, with particular reference to Lécopot. Download the article in PDF:

Revue Silence n°490

About Silence magazine

Silence magazine is part of the historic ecological press (1982). Silence is a project for transforming society along the lines of degrowth and social ecology. The magazine explores concrete alternatives and seeks to approach any subject not only from an ecological and degrowth angle, but also in terms of feminism, post-colonialism, non-violence, etc.
To discover the magazine, visit www.revuesilence.net

silence alternatives and degrowth magazine


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