Home » Lecopot dry toilet blog » Dry Toilet Valentine’s Day

Dry Toilet Valentine’s Day

by Julien

Lecopot wishes you a happy Valentine’s Day.

Lécobox saint-Valentin dry toiletWe’re not big on commercial parties at Lecopot.

Nevertheless, we don’t want to overlook the theme of love, to remind you that you can also choose an original gift.

Indeed, offering a dry toilet can be a little unpleasant and not too glamorous. But that’s ignoring a long-term vision. Thanks to dry toilets, flowers will come out of what you hide and dare not see. … With time and the magic of nature. So we say it here, dare to use the Valentine’s Day dry toilet for a healthy and lasting relationship, … or to clean up your relationship!

Lecopot loves you…

It’s also the perfect time to tell you that we love you all.

We are aware of all that you, our customers, supporters, friends and detractors, have done for us, and we thank you for it. … and, yes, we love you!

To thank you, this year we’re offering you a little drawing to display, or not, … to share, or not, … it’s up to you.

Warning: some people may be offended by this poster ;-). However, I would recommend them to take offence at the negative and hateful images and speeches that have been circulating in recent times. This way, we can let love speak for itself, in all its forms…

Happy Valentine's Day - Lécopot dry toilets

Remembering Valentine’s Day 2016:

Are you looking for a special gift this Valentine’s Day?

Do something different: opt for an eco-friendly
eco-friendly Valentine’s Day gift

Lecopot wishes a Beautiful Valentine’s Day 2016 to all Lovers of… nature!

dry toilet, valentine's day gift

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