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Video channel on water and habitat

by Julien

About Pierre L’écoleau

water video library
Ec’Eau Logis videos

For all those who are concerned about good domestic management and safeguarding water resources, Lécopot recommends that you consult the blog and videos of“Pierre L’écoleau” available on his site ec-eau-logis.com

Pierre L’écoleau specializes inrainwater harvesting and domestic use, as well as the filtration of drinking water, and works with professionals, associations and private individuals. Based in the upper Aude valley, between Limoux and Quillan, he works in the Occitanie region and all over France!

Professional advice

This experienced professional offers solutions tailored to your situation and needs:
– Rainwater recovery and reuse,
– Dry toilets and composting: interview on France Bleue,
– Ecological sanitation,
– Home filtration,
– Food water quality,
– Water & Sanitation regulations.

The water video library

Don’t hesitate to view Pierre l’Écoleau’s first videos in his Ec’Eau Logis video library video library or on his Youtube channel.

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