1.4K Toilet paper, a growing environmental problem
Every day, 27,000 trees end up in our toilets!
In this article published in October 2019, the METRO Journal (Belgium) draws up a staggering balance sheet: e
n Belgium, 480 million rolls of paper are unrolled and then thrown into our toilets every year. On average, a household will use 120 rolls per year. A single European uses an average of thirteen kg of toilet paper every year. Read the article ⇒
Press review on toilet water
Toilet paper, a growing environmental problem

In this article published in October 2019, the METRO Journal (Belgium) draws up a staggering balance sheet: e
n Belgium, 480 million rolls of paper are unrolled and then thrown into our toilets every year. On average, a household will use 120 rolls per year. A single European uses an average of thirteen kg of toilet paper every year. Read the article ⇒
Ecological toilet paper
Lécopot has selected a whole range of 100% French Ecolabel toilet paper. These toilet papers are made from office paper harvested in France and processed without chemical inputs. They guarantee healthy, efficient composting, and won’t end up in the water!
4 tips for saving toilet water
In this article, Consoglobe magazine points out that our toilets account for almost a third of our drinking water consumption! The editorial team has put forward some practical solutions to help you reduce your water consumption and therefore your water bill. And to stop using water altogether, Consoglobe recommends installing or building a dry toilet.
Read the article ⇒
Photo credits top of article: Stefano Ferrario, Pixabay