Home » Lecopot dry toilet blog » Primevère trade fair in Lyon from March 6 to 8, 2020

Primevère trade fair in Lyon from March 6 to 8, 2020

by Julien

34th Primevère ecological alternatives trade fair

See you at the Primevère trade fair in Lyon – Eurexpo!
> Contact us to receive an invitation <

The 2020 program opens with the theme
“The Power to Act

The program

Individual actions, convergence of struggles, actions, boycotts, disobedience, non-violence, rebellion, resilience… Let’s reappropriate the power to act to give new meaning to tomorrow’s hopes,…

An opportunity to debate with philosophers, scientists, politicians and people in the field….
549 exhibitors will be present, with a program of over 70 conferences and numerous events.

Access to the show and all practical information can be found on the Primevère website.

You can also get a sneak preview of his new and original creations, such as the new Douglas dry toilet models:

As well as
chip trays
for waterless toilets, with or without lids, in a sober but effective design!

Don’t hesitate to drop in and ask us for advice on ecological toilet maintenance in Lyon!

dry toilets at the Primevère trade fair in Lyon

Lécopot dry toilet stand at Salon Primevère 2018 in Lyon.

Lécopot exhibitor sheet, Stand X-510:

About this eco-friendly show:

For over 30 years, the Primevère trade show has been the must-attend event dedicated to ecological alternatives, bringing together over 500 exhibitors and welcoming nearly 30,000 visitors.

View the detailed program for Salon Primevère 2019 ► salonprimevere.org/salon_programme

Video of Pierre Rabhi

Watch this video by Pierre Rabhi on the PlumeStudios OpenPlateau:
Pour une convergence des consciences


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