Home » Lecopot dry toilet blog » In Rennes, compost is harvested by bicycle

In Rennes, compost is harvested by bicycle

by Julien

“In Rennes, Brittany, the Rennes du Compost association collects the biowaste generated by some sixty professionals in the city by bicycle. A collection movement destined to spread.”

It’s good to see that things are getting organized in our regions and that citizens, professionals and communities are taking initiatives.


Composting feeds the earth.

Find out more in this article from Reporterre magazine, click HERE to read it.

Rennes du Compost association website

Here you will find a non-exhaustive list, by region, of some associations and professionals who promote composting:

If you would like to appear on this list, please contact us via our contact form.

Looking for a composter or composting accessories?
Discover our store dedicated to making your own compost: Compost Nature

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Lecopot composters

Our range of 100% Made in France Lécopot composters

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