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Documentation on dry toilets

by Julien

Documentary resources on composting dry toilets

dry toilet documentation

Here’s a list of some books and documents on dry toilets, composting and water saving.

Downloadable documents

Guide du RAE, Réseau d’Assainissement Écologique (2010)
PDF : Best practice guide for composting dry toilet by-products

EcoSanRes volume collection (2004)
PDF : Guidelines for the use of urine and faeces in agricultural production

Article by Joseph Orszagh
Word file: Toilette sèche une question de cohérence

Composting dejecta, by Joseph Orszagh
Word file: How to compost properly

Family dry toilets: state of the art, current situation in several countries and proposals for support in France. Study conducted by the Toilette du Monde association (2010).
PDF : Summary of the family dry toilet report

Book selection

Un petit coin pour soulager la planète by Christophe Élain, éditions Eauphilane

Composting and dry toilets by Eric Sabot, published by La maison autonome.

La maison des [néga]watts, le guide malin de l’énergie chez soi, by Thierry Salomon and Stéphane Bedel, published by Terre vivante.

De la maison autonome à l’économie solidaire by Patrick Baronnet, published by La maison autonome.

compost-and-butter-in-the-gardenComposting and mulching in the garden. Recycler, fertiliser, by Denis Pépin, published by Terre vivante.

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