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Discover 1083 and Le Tricolore.

by Julien

During our visit to the Alsace eco-bio fair in Colmar, we met the 1083 company.Stand_1083_foireecobiodalsace2014logo1083


This company offers jeans and shoes with the distinctive feature of being made in France. The maximum distance between manufacturing units is 1083 km (hence the company name).

A very fair carbon footprint, given the current state of the clothing industry. Jeans are made from organic cotton canvas.

John 1083

1083 has also just launched a range of sweaters made, again in France, from recycled wool. This range has been cleverly named “Le Tricolore” (everyone will understand the multiple puns).

Tricolor sweater

They plan to manufacture another range of Jeans based on the same recycling principle.

Sensitive to this wonderful initiative and having sincerely loved their project (I confess that we fell in love with it and bought several of their products), we couldn’t resist sharing this information. We invite you to visit their websites:



… and talk about them a lot around you.


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