Home » Lecopot dry toilet blog » Biocultura Fair in Madrid in November 2017

Biocultura Fair in Madrid in November 2017

by Julien

Lécopot at the Biocultura Fair in Madrid from November 9 to 12, 2017

A big first for Lécopot: we’ll be taking part in our first Biocultura fair in Spain!

Biocultura, Madrid's organic fair

From November 9 to 12, 2017 we will be exhibiting our latest creations and innovations in the village dedicated to EcoHabitat:
Sector Bioconstruction and renewable energies, ecology, environment and recycling.

Visit us at Stand 773 (entrance to Pavilion 8).

It is with great enthusiasm that we invite you to come and meet us and discover our range of indoor and outdoor dry toilets, accessories and solutions for the

self-build dry toilets


In addition, as it is important for us to share our practices and convictions, and as we already do at trade shows in France, Pierre L’ecol’eau, an expert in ecological water management and member of Lécopot, will be speaking on Saturday at 2:00 pm in room N114 on the theme: Dry toilets, water, feed the earth!” as part of the Building in Network series, organized by the EcoHabitar Institute.

biocultura fair in Madrid

Visit the fair website


Video Lécopot

See the exhibitors’ video and our

presentation of Lécopot dry toilets in this video

Also read our Spanish-language blog: lecopot.es and store


BioCultura. Feria Internacional de Productos Ecológicos y Consumo Responsable.
Feria de Madrid – IFEMA (Pabellónes 8 y 10)
9, 10, 11 y 12 de noviembre de 2017
33ª Edición

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