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Valériane 2019, Belgium’s organic fair

par Julien

Nature & Progrès Belgium’s Salon Bio

Salon bio Valériane in Belgium
Theme of the 35th edition of the Salon Bio de Belgique:

s abeilles, notre avenir

Dates : Friday, September 6 to Sunday, September 8, 2019
Opening hours: Friday 10:00 am to 9:00 pm, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 am to 7:00 pm
Venue: Namur Expo – Rue Sergent Vrithoff – 5000 Namur – BELGIUM

The Lécopot team looks forward to seeing you at Salon Valériane 2019 (Habitat & Energy sector) to discover our new range of
ecological dry toilets
indoor, outdoor and made-to-measure.

Lécopot stand at Valériane 2019

The Lécopot stand at Salon Valériane 2019 – Namur.

The must-sees at Salon Bio

  • Over the course of 3 days, more than 20,000 visitors come to meet and discover over 300 carefully selected exhibitors at this major trade show for organic products and ecological alternatives.
  • The big organic farmers’ market
  • The eco-building village
  • More than 60 conferences, round tables and workshops: program

Find all the details of the events, the list of exhibitors and practical information on the official website of Salon Valériane Belgique :

The theme of Salon Valériane 2017: CEREALisable!

Salon bio Valériane 2017 in Namur

A cereal show to find out what is a cereal? What is old wheat?
How can you learn (or re-learn?) how to make homemade sourdough bread with your own utensils? Only investments? Good quality organic flour, a little water, salt, sourdough and time to let the dough rise at the right temperature.


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