Home » Workshop and store in Couiza

Workshop and store in Couiza

by Julien

Manufacturer of dry toilets in Aude, Occitanie region

Since April 2018, Lécopot has had a new manufacturing workshop in Aude:
Z.A. de Mayrac, 11190 Couiza

Dry toilet workshop in the Aude department

Our dry toilet production workshop is located in the upper Aude valley, between Limoux and Quillan (south-west Aude).
If you’d like to find out more about our waterless ecological toilets, please pay us a visit. A showroom presenting our different models will soon be available in our store, along with all the accessories for self-build, the necessary consumables,… You can already view our various creations in our
online boutique
Lécopot can advise you on your dry toilet equipment project: preliminary study, choice of the most suitable model or custom-built dry toilets.

Pick up your order on site

If you live near Couiza, you can now pick up your order directly on site and meet the Lécopot team!

For all practical information, please do not hesitate to contact us: 04 48 31 00 21

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