Accueil » Blog des toilettes sèches Lécopot » Biocybèle Fair at Graulhet in the Tarn department

Biocybèle Fair at Graulhet in the Tarn department

par Julien

Meet Lécopot at the annual Biocybèle organic fair!

Biocybèle 2018 edition: May 20 and 21, 2018 in Graulhet

Biocybèle is one of France’s biggest organic fairs, and certainly the largest in the south of France, in the Tarn region. Exhibitors are carefully selected by Nature & Progrès, ensuring a high quality of producers and craftsmen.
Rendezvous in Graulhet at Parc de la Bousquetarié in the Tarn (81, Occitanie region).

Dry toilets in the Tarn

Do you live in the Tarn and want to install an ecological dry toilet?
Discover our dry toilet models: indoor toilets, outdoor toilets, custom toilets.
At our stand, you’ll find practical information on how to use and maintain dry toilets and compost waste.
Feel free to browse our

Lécopot online store

to see all the dry toilet models, new products, buckets and accessories available.

Lécopot is based in Aude, in the Occitanie region, near Carcassonne and Limoux (upper Aude valley). Don’t hesitate to contact us or visit us at our dry toilet workshop in Couiza!

Video interview with Lécopot

Brian Ejarque, who runs the L’Archi’Pelle blog devoted to permaculture installation in the Occitanie region, has conducted a video interview on the Biocybèle fair. You will discover Lécopot and a presentation of its stand!

Foire bio du Tarn website:

biocybele fair in Tarn

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